EXPLORE JAPAN THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY                            
Harajuku area  
 Known as:        
 Description:   Harajuku refers to the area around Tokyo's Harajuku Station, which is between Shinjuku and Shibuya on the Yamanote Line. It is the center of Japan's most extreme teenage cultures and fashion styles, but also offers shopping for adults and some historic sights.
The focal point of Harajuku's teenage culture is Takeshita Dori (Takeshita Street) and its side streets, which are lined by many trendy shops, fashion boutiques, used clothes stores, crepe stands and fast food outlets geared towards the fashion and trend conscious teens.
 Province   Tokyo  Direction:      
 District   Shibuya    
 City   Harajuku  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Local life      Related links:       
 Best exposure   N/A          
 Opening time   N/A          
 Entry fee   N/A     GPS :   35.67159, 139.70291  
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