Wilpattu National Park  
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 Known as:        
 Description:   Wilpattu National Park is a park located in Sri Lanka. The unique feature of this park is the existence of "Willus" (natural lakes) - natural, sand-rimmed water basins or depressions that fill with rainwater. Located on the northwest coast lowland dry zone of Sri Lanka. The park is located 30 km west Anuradhapura and 26 km north of Puttalam (approximately 180 km north of Colombo). The park is 1,317 km2 (131, 693 hectares) and ranges from 0–152 m above sea level. Nearly one hundred and six lakes (Willu) and tanks are found spread throughout Wilpattu. Wilpattu is the largest and one of the oldest National Parks in Sri Lanka. Wilpattu is among the top national parks world-renowned for its leopard (Panthera pardus kotiya) population. Visitor access is currently limited to approximately 25% of the park, the remainder of which is dense forest or scrub. Popular visiting periods spans between the months of February and October, although there are a number of private eco-tourism groups that conducts safaris year round.  
 Province   North Central  Direction:      
 District   Anuradhapura    
 City   na  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Scenery      Related links:      
 Best exposure   N/A          
 Opening time   N/A          
 Entry fee   N/A     GPS :   8.31852, 80.14331  
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