Pura   Lingsar  
 Known as:   Pura Lingsar    
 Description:   Located at the north end of the beach at Ampenan, Pura Lingsar is also Lombok's most important religious site.
The temple was built in 1714 by Balinese Hindus when they first visited Lombok. However, Pura Lingsar is not a purely Hindu temple. It represents a blending of the Hindu tradition with Wektu Telu, a religion practiced by the Sasak people, Lombok's natives. Wektu Telu's adherents consider themselves Muslims, but do not follow many of the religious commandments that more orthodox Muslims do. They have adopted other beliefs from Hinduism and native animistic traditions. This dual heritage makes Pura Lingsar an important symbol of unity among the islands' faiths.
 Province   West Nusa Tenggara  Direction:      
 District   Lombok    
 City   na  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Temple      Related links:      
 Best exposure   na          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   na     GPS :   -8.57516, 116.18046  
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