-   Songjiang Tang Jingtang  -    
 Address:   On The Campus Of The Primary School On Zhongshan Road, Middle 上海松江中山中路  
 Known as:   Tang Dynasty Tuoloni Buddhist Sutra Stela  唐經幢    
 Description:   Located in the center of Songjiang Town inside Reifeng Primary School on Zhiongshan Road, Middle,Songjiang Town. Erected in 859(the 13th Dazhong year of the Tang Dynasty), 9.3-m tall,in octagonal shape, composed of 21 sculptured steps, is carved with the holy Tuoloni scripture accompanied by inscription record. It is tall and beautiful in shape with the characteristics of the flourishing period of the Tang Dynasty. It represents the artic style of the most flourishing period of the Tang Dynasty. It is a key cultural relic under state protection.  
 Province   Shanghai Direction
 Metro :
  From Shanghai , metro line 9 up to Zuibaichi station - Then taxi (12RMB)   
 District   Songjiang    
 City   Songjiang  Comments :      Official Web:    
 Genre   Historic      Related links:   http://www.shanghai-  
 Best exposure   AM-PM            
 Opening time   n/a          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS:    
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Songjiang Tang Jingtang  xx

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