Linjiang Park  
 Address:   No.1 Youyi Road, Baoshan  上海市寶山區友誼路1號  
 Known as:          
 Description:   The park was established in 1956 as Youyi Park, but had its name changed to Lin Jiang Park in October 1962. The River Viewing Pavilion (Wang Jiang Lou) was built in May 1993. The Shanghai Songhu Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall and its tower were added in the year 2000. The park was been expanded three times, in 1991, 2004, and 2007, until it reached its current size of 107,703 sq. meters.The park also has a memorial hall dedicated to Chen Huacheng, the Chinese scholar-official who died leading the defense of Wusong against the British invasion during the battle of 16 June 1842. Two floors of exhibits about Chen are housed inside the former Da Cheng Dian of the Baoshan Confucius Temple. There are some real relics, including three bronze cannon apparently dating from the 1839-1842 Opium War. Behind the hall stands a statue of Chen Huacheng. Since he was blown to smithereens by British canon fire, and the remains of his body were never found, he has no actual tomb.   
 Province   Shanghai Direction
 Metro :
  Youyi Rd (L3)  
 District   Baoshan    
 City   Shanghai  Comments :      Official Web:    
 Genre   Park-garden      Related links:   http://www.shanghai-  
 Best exposure   AM-PM          
 Opening time   N/A          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS:    
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Linjiang park (All)  Chen Huacheng statue
Dance in the Park  Diabolo Gameo Game 
Music in the park  Old statue
Linjiang park  Temple
Water painting  xx 

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