Wat Ounalon  
 Known as:        
 Description:   This wat is the headquarters of Cambodian Buddhism. It was founded in 1443 and comprises 44 structures. The wat received a battering during the Pol Pot era, but today it has come back to life. The head of the country’s Buddhist brotherhood lives here, along with a large number of monks.
On the 2nd floor of the main building, to the left of the dais, is a statue of Huot Tat, fourth patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism, who was killed by Pol Pot. The statue, made in 1971 when the patriarch was 80 years old, was thrown in the Mekong by the Khmer Rouge to show that Buddhism was no longer the driving force in Cambodia. It was retrieved after 1979. To the right of the dais is a statue of a former patriarch of the Thummayuth sect, to which the royal family belongs.
 Province   Phnom Penh  Direction:      
 District   Phnom Penh    
 City   na  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Temple      Related links:    
 Best exposure   na          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   na     GPS :   11.56834, 104.92989  
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