Mass grave of Choeung Ek  
 Known as:        
 Description:   This is the best known of the more than 300 "killing fields" in Cambodia. People from the Tuol Sleng prison were brought here to be killed. Many thousands of people were killed here between 1975 and 1979.
Research has shown that a total of 1,386,734 people were probably killed by the Khmer Rouge. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands to millions who perished because of the consequences of their policies.
Of the 129 mass graves at Choeung Ek, 49 are left untouched. When it rains, teeth, bones or parts of clothes still rise to the surface. 
 Province   Phnom Penh  Direction:      
 District   Phnom Penh    
 City   na  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Historic      Related links:    
 Best exposure   na          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   na     GPS :   11.48418, 104.90177  
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