Independance Monument  
 Known as:     Victory Monument     
 Description:   The Independence Monument (Vimean Ekareach) was inaugurated on November 9, 1962 to celebrate the independence from the French in 1953, but now also serving as a cenotaph to Cambodia's war dead. The 20-meter high monument was designed by Cambodian architect, Vann Molyvann, and is shaped in the form of a lotus, which also can be seen at Angkor and other Khmer historical sites. You are not allowed to enter the monument. At night it is lit with blue, red and white light (the colours of the national flag) and it should be an impressive sight - but I didn't see it.  
 Province   Phnom Penh  Direction:      
 District   Phnom Penh    
 City   na  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Monument      Related links:    
 Best exposure   na          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   na     GPS :   11.55638, 104.9282  
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